LUCC Meeting Minutes         

February 1st, 2024

Welcome – Vice President Jason Robinson called the meeting to order and welcomed all attendees.

Self-Introductions – 23 people were present.

Meeting Minutes –Meeting minutes were approved at the opening of the meeting.

Treasurers Report – Naomi Shirtcliff: Naomi provided a bank account overview: LUCC has an end of year balance of $738.15 in the checking account and $808.01 in the savings account, total of $1,546.16. We were charged a $5 service fee on the checking account because our balance dipped below $1,000. 2024 invoices for LUCC membership have gone out and should help bolster the checking account going into the next month.

Publicity & Education– Byron Williams: Byron reported that he met with Jim Franklin for a hand off of contacts and documents. He also spoke to Rocky about LUCC participating in the Eugene Home Show.

  • Because the spring home show falls on March 8-10 and the next LUCC meeting is on March 7th, there is some urgency to the decision-making.
  • Northwest Natural is willing to allow us to share a portion of their existing booth (a 10×10 booth is $1,125 so this is a substantial savings) and asks that volunteers wear their company branded gear while doing so.
  • Jason will send an email to officers about a planning lunch meeting ASAP.

Damage Report– Jason Williams: Jason discussed contacts with the following contractors:

  • Freedom Electric – received training
  • J A F Future, LLC – Damaged SUB infrastructure due to no or incomplete locates
  • Vannevel Concrete & Curb – Pounding in stakes directly over high-pressure gas line
  • Huckleberry Fence – received warning
  • Green Acres Landscape – received training

Jason also offered a hat tip to EWEB, for calling in while they were onsite and noticed unmarked NWN facilities.

Jason emphasized that all LUCC members have a responsibility to observe, contact, and report digging without locates called in, and a discussion ensued about potential means of recourse when one has no power to issue a stop work order. Calling the Oregon Public Utilities Commission was a recommended solution, as they have the ability to bring Oregon OSHA onsite and take enforcement action. There is also a standing offer of a $10 gift card for anybody who reports an excavator digging without a locate ticket to him.

Web Page– Amy Abramson: Jason Robinson shared an update on Amy’s behalf that Jessica Malmstedt of Williams has volunteered to maintain and update the LUCC web page. She was unanimously confirmed by a voice vote of LUCC members at the meeting.

OUCC Standards Review –Jason Robinson: Because the Damage Report led to a robust discussion about dig ticket requirements with regards to subcontractors working under another dig ticket, Jason briefly touched on page 24 of the OUNC standards manual that states that “the excavator must notify”, noting that excavator is defined on page 19 as “any person who engages in excavation” and leaves no exceptions for subcontractors to work under another ticket.

Old Business:

  • Jim Franklin of Lane County confirmed that he has seen an improvement in operators and excavators utilizing proper traffic control practices since he reported issues in January
  • Byron Williams of City of Eugene reported that he issued a stop work order to a Hunter Communications subcontractor for performing work without a traffic control plan.
  • Jason Williams has purchased new 811 sign posts and has filed for reimbursement with Naomi.

New Business:  

No new business to report.

Program:  Tyler Kirkpatrick of USIC

  • Introduced Wyatt Cornie, the new manager for the area including Lane County
  • Provided updates on their staffing:
    • 6 locators currently on staff (up from 3 in Summer 2023), with 5 more in training.
    • Tyler has shifted their statewide trainer to focus on skilling up locators in the Lane County area
  • Provided information on USIC’s workload and capacity in the area:
    • In Lane County, USIC is currently locating for: Lumen, Comcast, Douglas Fastnet, LS Networks, Ziply, and Charter
    • Eugene & Southern Oregon typically receives 170-180 tickets per day, and a fully trained locator is expected to complete 1.7 tickets per hour on average.
  • Shared suggestions for improved collaboration between excavators & USIC:
    • Would like to partner with operators and excavators to regularly discuss larger projects so they can keep staff at appropriate levels.
    • Expressed a willingness to have Wyatt come with numbers specific to Lane County, as well as damage reports.
    • Recommended calling either Wyatt or himself if a crew is onsite with a valid ticket and there are unmarked facilities present.

Jason Robinson expressed the LUCC’s gratitude for Tyler’s efforts to improve communication and collaboration, and Tyler offered to come to LUCC meetings quarterly, and for Wyatt to attend on a more regular basis.

Meeting Adjourned-    12:45 pm